Coppice dune
Coppice dune

While harnessing wind energy and burning willow coppice may seem good ideas, in reality it is not much more than green window dressing. He prescribed coppice with standards under a 30 year rotation, the scheme had worked satisfactory. Where coppice with standards is the objective, then no more than 10 native standard trees per hectare are kept. Reinstatement of coppice with standards will be beneficial with protection from deer damage. Moreover, coppice and coppice with standards no longer provide the revenue which private owners expect. Volunteers will be encouraged to help coppice a large hedge, which will enable the group to create a new play area at the centre. The scrub provides a good habitat for song birds including a small area of hazel coppice. Hearing footsteps approach the coppice, however, he was saved from answering his own question. The habitat is a seasonally saturated swale maintained by periodic mowing and herbicide treatment of woody coppice. Some farmers misunderstand what they are supposed to do such as, trimming a hedge when the plan said to coppice it. Regrowth is fast and the coppice is allowed to grow until the poles are big enough to be used for crafts. The coppice of trees seemed to get thicker as tall birches lined the road, replacing the old-fashioned houses.

coppice dune

It is hoped that up to 148 acres of land will eventually be developed as fuel-efficient coppice over a six-year period.Īn abundance of coppice woods, known as spring woods, were required to provide charcoal, tan bark, fuel wood and timber.


The plan is to start producing synthetic gas from the willow coppice chips by Christmas and produce electricity at full capacity by Easter. The forest services are providing for a pilot project involving 47 hectares of short-rotation willow coppice.

Coppice dune