
You can create your own custom backgrounds for each terminal session. term settings support, the ability to set a background image per bookmark setting is very useful if you are connecting to several servers at the same time - it allows you to visually distinguish one from the other easily. There is also a JellyfiSSH menulet giving single click access to your bookmarks from the top menubar. Releasing on your desired bookmark will launch that bookmark into Terminal. Simply right-click (or control-click) on the JellyfiSSH dock icon and a bookmark list will show. Once you have all your bookmarks loaded, you can quickly launch them through the JellyfiSSH dock icon or Menulet. JellyfiSSH makes all its connections through Apple's Terminal application or iTerm2 v3.x and is especially useful when you monitor and/or look after several web servers, file servers or any other device which you connect to via ssh or Telnet. Password (Keychain stored for servers issuing a password: prompt)

#Jellyfissh pdf

Background png, jpg or pdf of the Terminal Window* Terminal type (ansi, vt52, vt100, vt102, xterm, xterm-256color etc) It stores all the connection details and allows you to set terminal settings such as: It is used by thousands of Mac users daily all over the world, and has been around for over 15 years.


JellyfiSSH is the leading bookmark manager for ssh connections on the Mac.
